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"A Canary For One" by Ernest Hemingway_

The story under the title “A Canary for One” was written by one of the most famous writers of the 20th century – Ernest Hemingway.

The story begins with the description of the train going to Paris and the passengers in it. They are the main characters: the American lady with her canary, and a man with his wife. The plot of the story is quite simple – the passengers traveling to Paris in the same compartment have a common and easy conversation while the trip, and finally part reaching their destination. Though it seems quite a usual thing, lots of facts prove the story to be one of the great works of Hemingway’s genius.

Let’s begin with the protagonist of the story – the American lady. The author doesn’t even mention her name as it’s unnecessary. In the whole story there are no names at all. What we know of her – she is a bit deaf and has a daughter. No mentioning her husband. So we may guess for the time being she has no husband at all, or his existence is so unimportant for her. This is the first sign of her loneliness.

What concerns her daughter, it’s well-known that she was madly in love with a Swiss fellow, but it turned out they parted. No explanations, just a fact. The American lady kept on saying that American men make the best husbands. It is possible that the mother didn’t let her daughter marry her Swiss boyfriend, as he belonged to the “wrong” nationality, not the American. So she took the canary for her girl as a present – perhaps to console her sufferings and torments. That little canary singing so beautifully – was a solace for the girl who lost her love ...

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