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"Dangerous Corner" by John Priestley_

The text under the title “Dangerous Corner” was written by British journalist, novelist, playwright, and essayist – John Boynton Priestley (1894-1984). Priestley's output was vast and varied - he wrote over one hundred novels, plays, and essays, and is best known as the author of the novel THE GOOD COMPANIONS (1929). A man of versatility, he was a patriot, cosmopolitan Yorkshireman, professional amateur, cultured Philistine, reactionary radical, and a common-sense spokesman for the ordinary man-in-the-street. Priestley refused both knighthood and peerage, but accepted in 1977 the prestigious Order of Merit.

The text under the study is a play. The society of several men and women sitting in a cosy drawing-room and idly discussing the wireless lay they have just heard is described in the plot. Initially the conversation goes around the play but gradually it approaches the theme of truth and lie.

It turns out that only Robert is sure truth has always to be said, the rest come to think that people are likely to lie and often they do so undeliberately. Here we observe the problem of the play – the author assumes mankind applies lies uncautiously and this causes lots of handicaps and troubles in life.

People forget that keeping falsehood as a habit is considered as bad manners. The neat comparison of truth with the sleeping dog gives the play excitement and vividness. Indeed, when letting the truth out we can do more harm to ourselves, sometimes not comparable with the lie.

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