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"The Fun They Had" by Isaac Asimov_

The story under the title "The Fun They Had" was written by a highly prolific American writer, one of the three grand masters of science fiction - Isaac Asimov. The story begins with the description of two kids who found a real book. It should be noted that all the events of the story take place in the future, in the year 2155, that's why a mere book from the past seems quite an interesting object for exploration. And Tommy (13) with Margie (11) read the book, thinking of those who used it many centuries ago.

Reading the story we come across the problem, tackled by the author. It is a low knowledge level of children, their uneagerness to study. To prove it we should mention the fact when the County Inspector slowed up Margie's mechanical teacher to an average ten-year level. The girl was 11, but couldn't or didn't want to cover her own age level, "she had been doing worse and worse". And how strong was her hatred towards school! She hoped her teacher wouldn't be back, that "large and black and ugly" teacher! "The part she hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers." - This sentence indicates at her being a usual girl with a usual nature, while this is the exact thing commonly disliked at schools ...

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