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"The Escape" by Somerset Maugham_

The story under the title “The Escape” was written by one of the outstanding English writers – William Somerset Maugham.

The plot of the story is quite simple, though interesting. The protagonist of the story, a young man rolling in money – Roger Charing – fell in love with Ruth Barlow, an unfortunate woman who was twice a widow. They had all the happy and pleasant moments of relationships a loving couple usually has and intended to marry. Then suddenly Roger fell out of love with Ruth. But he found a way to make Ruth release him. He said they would marry the day they found the perfect house for both of them, however, Roger rejected all the orders of the agents offering a new house. At last Ruth lost her patience and left Roger herself.

So, the problem addressed in the story lies in the relationships of man and woman, in the way they get over the quandaries, in the way they treat each other. And I believe this problem is rather vital nowadays as many families divorce because they don’t know how to overcome hardships they face.

The controlling idea of the story is that one should put on his thinking and act very carefully, as sometimes procrastination can give better results than haste.

The same we see in the story. Roger wasn’t hurrying to inform Ruth in his calmness to her, vice versa he kept on taking care of her not even presenting her any signs to doubt in his love.

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