"The Ideal Man" by John O'Hara_
The story under the title "The Ideal Man" written by one of the outstanding American writers John O'Hara, begins with the description of a usual morning in a usual American family. The father of the family - Walter Jenssen - reads the newspaper and finds there an article about himself, told to a reporter by his wife Elsie Jennsen. The article makes him angry. In fact, Elsie tells in the newspaper that her husband was shy before their marriage, but with years of their life he has become the ideal man from the romantic point of view. Walter, however, has his own views on the article.
Analyzing the story we can state that here it's the case of irony of situation. To prove it we should say that Elsie describes her husband as an example of the husband any woman would wish to have. But actually, he turns out to be vice versa, a cursing and swearing man, who doesn't care about his children, and takes the public opinion to the top of his values list. So, even the title of the story has a humorous effect, as it carries the sense which isn't true to the meaning of the word.
So, we realize that the author tries to mock this side of American people, those social customs and morals of a small American city. And he manages it rather skillfully ...
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