Анализ текста, анализ произведения, тексты на английском языке.

"Widow of Ephesus" by Petronius_

The text for analysis is a tale called "The Widow of Ephesus" written by Petronios. The bear facts of the text are as follows:

There was a certain woman who was considered to be the first true example of conjugal fidelity and love. But once her husband died and she was clearly courting death from starvation, she was full of inconsolable grief. And no one was able to bring her back to life. The woman spent five days near the vault of her husband without any food. One soldier was sent to the cemetery to keep watch on crosses and he met that woman. Due to his arguments he persuaded her to eat and at last she couldn't resist her temptation and submitted to him.

At first we aren't interested in the moral of the story 'cause only the actions attract our attention. And what amazes us most of all is the woman's behaviour - the way she expresses her sorrow:

Finding the normal custom of following the cortege "with hair unbound and beating breast in public quite inadequate to express her grief, the lady insisted in following the corpse right into the tomb", "and set herself to guard the body, weeping wailing right a day".

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